WWE: 5 Overlooked Names Ready for the Main Roster

When it was announced that Vince McMahon was returning to Monday Night RAW, amid the ever decreasing ratings and general fan interest, one thing was obvious – for good or bad the landscape of WWE was about to change.

One of the first orders of business under the latest regime was to announce several names from the thriving NXT brand who were being summoned to the main roster. These future WWE Superstars included former TNA champion EC3, Snitsky-esque Lars Sullivan, tag team wrecking crew Heavy Machinery and female competitors Lacey Evans and Nikki Cross.

The choice of call-ups, although impressive, immediately drew interest from the internet wrestling community, who were quick to question WWE’s decision not to promote some of its biggest names. NXT main eventers like Velveteen Dream and Tommaso Ciampa would make excellent additions to either RAW or SmackDown Live but what about the forgotten few who have been overlooked continuously when it comes to such conversations?

With that in mind, here’s our list of the 5 Most Overlooked Names Ready for the Main WWE Roster.



Kassius Ohno
Image owned by ICW

The former Chris Hero’s WWE career has never truly taken off beyond the role of being that guy who makes people look good. His previous push was derailed due to his physique but in the changing landscape of WWE where guys like Samoa Joe are bucking the trend of chiselled bodies, this is no longer a valid reason to hold him back.

Kassius Ohno shouldn’t be losing matches in mere seconds to anyone, even if they are called Matt Riddle, but if he’s going to do it then why not let him do it in front of a bigger audience on either RAW or SmackDown Live? At the very least he could reform the Kings of Wrestling with Cesaro when The Bar finally runs its course.



Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan NXT

The main roster tag team divisions are both struggling these days, especially on Monday Night RAW. SmackDown at least has The Bar/New Day/Usos love triangle to keep it interesting, but even that will get old sooner or later. Bringing in the team of Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan would add a different flavour to either brand, with the two bruisers offering something different to the pomp and circumstance of Kofi, Xavier and Big E.



Jaxson Ryker NXT

Former TNA Impact star Gunner finally joined WWE’s developmental brand in 2017, and although he’s still finding his feet in NXT alongside Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler in the Forgotten Sons stable, he’s been main roster ready for years.

Ryker doesn’t have the charisma of a Batista or the built-in terror of a guy like Brock Lesnar, but his intensity would be enough to carry him as a solid mid-card force to be reckoned with. Hell, he could easily fill the spot Baron Corbin was supposed to when he got called up.



Cezar Bononi NXT
Image owned by: https://www.houseofwrestling.com.br/2016/04/brasileiro-cezar-v8-bononi-compete-pela.html

Cezar Bononi reminds us of Nathan Jones. Remember that guy? OK, so Jones’ WWE run didn’t work out in the end but this is a very different era and the 6 foot 9-inch Bononi is a new breed of colossus. His Brazilian descent would bring something new to the roster, especially in a WWE that is desperate to build new stars to help rebuild their brand in South America.



Keith Lee NXT
Image taken from 411mania

OK, so Keith Lee will be in the conversation 6-12 months from now, but to be honest, he’s another example of a guy being ready for the main roster now. He’s big, he’s athletic, and he’s charismatic enough to get the attention of a Vince McMahon that would ordinarily see him as a novelty act. Can you imagine this guy going toe to toe with Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman or Brock Lesnar? It could happen – and if WWE has any sense they’ll make it happen soon.


Which NXT wrestlers, male or female, would you like to see called up to the main roster? Let us known in the comments section below, or online using the hashtag #tbgwwe

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